最近的我总是觉得没有精神,很累。为什么?? 上班时总是不能专心,没有记性。是不是白咖啡的错?觉得自己很差劲噢  😦 今天的我又做错了东西。我到底在干嘛?我也不知道。脑里只想着回家充电。>.< 上个星期四到古晋机场送Terry 和Jessie的时候,真的好想到柜台买机票回去哦。。是不是觉得我疯了?

在这儿实习第五个星期了,日子也变得难熬了 。 😦 mini project proposal, report, presentation,bioassay..对我来说都是非常挑战的。而且我的两位supervisors要求特别高,我总觉得我根本应付不了。 😦 无论如何,我得面对~ 哎。。

在我实验室里的生活真的有点沉气,严肃。根本没有机会听到笑声。总不会像 evonne 和po ting 实验室里笑声满满,开心满满。令我有点羡慕。哎,只好认命咯~ 将错就错进了这个部门。好的是可以接触到新事物咯,而不好的是。。。。:(

你可以知道平时的我有多喜欢讲话。。告诉你,在实验室里的我可以高达五个小时不说话!你可以想像吗?连我也不敢相信。我真的很怕很怕她。五个星期了,跟她说话的次数不到10次吧。:( 上个星期一的我可以说是非常失败,表现差劲。我在她面前怕到无法呼吸。根本无法表现好。还有,很感谢你们对我的安慰和鼓励,尤其是 J 和V 小姐。好感动~。我真的无法控制眼泪当场流下,而且还流了一整晚。我看我把屋友给吓坏了。。对不起让你们操心了整晚. 不好意思..我没怪她,我想她也是为了我好而已,都是自己不好,无法表现最好的给她。事实上,我真的给她对我的严格吓到就快晕倒。

明天到星期四V小姐放假去了.我都不知该怎么办好.我该如何面对她呢?我怕的快晕倒了.. 害怕眼泪会再次为她流下。:S  其实,我真的真的很想和她多交谈,但是就无法克服在她面前显得非常非常弱小的自己。就像老虎(比喻而已)和老鼠(我)。我几时变成这样的?为什么那么没用?信心呢?那股勇气呢?:(


惨了啦,黑眼圈好大哦!好像熊猫那样.很难看 😦 😦 😦 😦


sorry.. lately celcom broadband line very poor in my area here at Kuching 10th miles… so din update my blog here frequently.. sorry ya..

today, lei wanna introduce u a nice taiwan drama.. feel surprise ho?? cz lei seldom watch taiwan drama de actually.. tvb fan.. muahaha…



痞子英雄!!!! black&white. superb nice!!! although i not finish yet la.. i watched in  taiwan tv channel. very slow (1 week 2 episodes nia)  then try to download ma.. who knows… FAILED!! geram…

at 1st i pronouced the 1st work as gou= dog. i dunno how to read that word. haha.. until my housemate said gou xiong. u din watch your gou xiong? haha….

got taiwan channel in house?? stay tune p167 , sat@ 10-12am lol. 😉

lately lei very tired with work and trip. work hard and play hard as well~ 😛 . lei went Bako again in my labour day. how about u?? 🙂  i got sunburnt!!! can imagine?? ;(  housemates told me that this friday mayb we will go Semenggoh National Park during lunch time and Sat go to Gunung Gading National Park. u said la.. pengsan not?? dont be surprise oo if u see i dark like charcoal. 😛

okla.. lei gonna back to REPORTS!! bye~

* will update Bako trip soon. in da process~ 😉


For your info, she doing her industrial training in Sarawak Biodiversity Centre (SBC) at Kuching which is so so far far far from town . >,<

Biasa then biasa, 1st day will have orientation lol.. turned around SBC, brief about rules and regulation and bla bla bla.. so ngam got VVIP came to visit .. da . Shake hand with him~ ^^ (ARC coursemates as well)

Lei have been assigned in Molecular Biology Lab supervised by Jong & Eunice. Kinda surprised and stressful as well cz going to learn a lot of new things later with challengesss. can i do it?? hope so la~ 🙂

everyday have to report at 8am lol.. then lei have to write on her daily report and log book lol.. and mini project soon~. busy life start very very soon~huhu…. today saw Ivan from UTM presented on his 2 mini-projects.. i can start felt the pressure going on me..  its da time for me to more reading..yaahoo!!

how’s my friends that practical over others places?? share more in your bloggies, FB or others  la.. so i can go read up~ hehe…. wish u all enjoy there la ya~ take care.

okla, gonna write on my daily report and log book. bye.

Good Night~
