why so “black” ? use most of the time in this sem. (sweat).Although many “black” things happened on me this sem, but yesterday night d superb “black”. Attended in jamuan block. 要回房的时候竟然一个不小心撞到一个很尖的铁角!!很很很痛啊!而且还要是脊椎骨,撞个正的! 如果中马票有这么准就好咯 😦 真的是痛到眼泪流,还晕了一下下.. 早不撞迟不撞,偏偏在考大考前几天撞到,搞什么鬼的?? (luckily not hantam at head or exposed skin, if not i think i cant  blog here BUT jahit-ing in Bintulu hospital )

回到房间连躺在椅子都痛,何况是睡觉.不敢想.谢谢室友帮我揉了几下..很想跟你说,下次可以轻一点吗? 痛痛..

一整晚都睡不好,只能靠边睡. 😦 今天的我是超没心情.痛到都快没感觉了..

我只希望倒霉事件不要再跟我而来..离我远远!! (可能是在这里没有拜拜,回去一定要拜拜才行)

考试就要到了,加油咯!! 😉

*early morning received call from airport lounge manager. lei be inform that start work at 4th nov until 28th dec. 🙂 yeah! got money liao.. 🙂

* Kuching post will not post that soon. Maybe after exam lol. SORRY.. (not enought time for this moment+ line is kinda su*k in uploading photo!!) (sweat)
